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Projects & Fundraisers

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Kiama Lions Cancer Care Trust


The Lions Club of Kiama Inc. Cancer Care Trust was set up as a fund by the Board of our club in 1994. A committee was formed to advise the board on a practical way such a fund could be utilised to help citizens of the Kiama Municipality with cancer or their Carers. Following their report, the original Trustees were appointed with Past President Gerry McInerney as Chair. A decision was made to restrict assistance to those areas where government or non-government assistance was unavailable, those that fell “between the cracks”, so to speak.

Claiming Assistance:

Referrals for assistance would normally come from palliative care doctors and nurses, general practitioners, community nurses and community pharmacists. In accordance with the Governing Document only citizens of the Municipality of Kiama who are cancer patients or carers of same will be considered.

Friends and neighbours who believe they know of someone they believe might be eligible should contact the Chair, in the first instance, with regard to the proper process. Privacy requirements are paramount and patient or carer permission must be obtained.


Lions Club of Kiama Inc. Cancer Care Trust, PO Box 395, Kiama NSW 2533

Gerry McInerney, Chair: 0417 476 404